This is a summary view for the station selected by updating Favourites. Tapping on the variable brings up a a grpah of the current day's observations. The history for the last seven days can be viewed. Forecasts can be be shown for most variables
When first opened, only the LRF stationis shown. Double-tap a station to add/substract from the Favourites. The Favourites can be reordered.
Shows the currently available weather stations. Change the variable or region to focus on using the Options on the top left. Use the Menu to access Settings and check the status of the stations, as well as the Disclaimer, Credits, and Privacy.
Tap on a station to bring up the summary data for that station. Where values, e.g., Solar Radiation, are not shown, use the Show Legend button. The legend can be moved if it is in the way.
Shows the currently available weather stations for the selected variable. Click on a station to get the observations and forecasts.
Tapping on the graph will show the value and time for that point. Select day of observation or forecast.